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RETA Workshops

Math Science Partnerships: Six Proceedings and Transcripts from 11 MSP Workshops

Materials and resources from the National Academies' MSP Workshops series are now available on CD. These workshops addressed:
  • student learning
  • assessment of learning
  • teacher education
  • the role of higher education in MSPs
  • challenging courses and curricula, and
  • sustainability of MSPs.

Each of these Proceedings has undergone an internal NRC review process. Reviewers included people who attended the workshops and those who did not. Their feedback was used to improve the layout and user friendliness of the Proceedings.

This week the National Academies Press (NAP) will mail a free copy of the CD to everyone who participated in some way in our workshop as an attendee or presenter. NAP also will make available a copy of the CD to every MSP project when they come to Washington at the end of January for the Learning Network conference.

Additional copies may also be purchased through the National Academies Press, through the following link:

Note: The Proceedings for two of the six workshops (Student Learning and Assessment of Learning) are also available on MSPnet. Proceedings for all six topics are available on the CD.